Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First day of spring...

I'm like a kid with a new toy! Gardening is making me absolutely giddy! My kids jokingly complain that I care more about my seedlings than I do about THEM (Bah, rotten kids! ;-P ) So here is an update to my gardening adventures. I planted my tomato plants and set seeds the 21st. Here it is the 27th and everything has sprouted. I still have peppers and eggplant in peat pots on the porch. It'll be another week or so until they're ready to join the rest of the garden. Now the battle begins to keep the critters away!
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We have carrots, cucumber, pickles, green and lima beans, squash, zucchini, okra, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.

My green beans and lima beans:
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  1. BRAVO to you! I wish I could have a garden... but I kill everything. My MIL used to love to garden. I wish she was still alive... it would have been a great bonding experience for us!

  2. your garden looks fantastic JoAnn. I hope we have one like that one day. Just tell your boys that they will be glad in the future when they are all healthy and strong that they are because of the home grown vegetables.

  3. Your garden looks wonderful! I'm waiting to do our planting this year. It's far too early to start, but once we do, everything goes pretty quickly :)
