Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Making an apron from a pillowcase!

Remember the vintage pillowcases I got from the estate sale? Well, I decided to make an apron out of one of them! This is so easy and only took me about 25 minutes to do this project.
First, cut the pillowcase a little over halfway for your apron front. Then cut two smaller strips for the ties. Cut the end seam off and throw away:
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Turn your apron front section over and cut up the middle. Fold the edges over twice and press with a hot iron, then stitch to make a clean edge. Run a basting stitch along the top:
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Pull one of your basting strings to gather the fabric along the top edge of the apron:
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Next, take the two ties and cut off the seams so you can open them up. Sew the ends together to make one long tie. Press the edges towards the middle, then fold the whole thing in half and press.
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Place the gathered fabric inside your tie and pin in place. Turn under the ends of your ties and sew your tie closed, enclosing the gather in the tie as you sew:
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Press and your done!
New life for an old pillowcase!
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  1. It turned out really well JoAnn.

    I have a heap of pillowcases. Sheets tend to wear out here before pillow cases so I may have to try this.

  2. I was wondering how that turned out...and if you had the courage to cut up that pillowcase. Now I want to go cutting up my old pillowcases.

