Saturday, October 13, 2007

More garage sale finds!

This Saturday Ryan and I got out the newspaper, plotted out our plan of attack, and came home with some really great garage sale finds!
We scored this cute little cabinet along with two oil paintings and two silver candy dishes:
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Some handmade Christmas placemats and napkins:
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Two sets of vintage pillowcases with hand embrodery on them!
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Two vintage tablecloths and one quilt:
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Another vintage tablecloth with hand stitched daisies:
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Two fabulous books! The first one is, "Signs and Symbolism in Christian Art," and the second is, "Family Meals and Hospitality." Both books are great finds! The art alone in the first book is absolutely incredible! It details the religious paintings of the old Masters and will make a great addition to our homeschooling library! The second book was written in 1955 and has tons of great ideas on entertaining and lots of recipes that I can't wait to try out!
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This last set is my favorite! I got several vintage lady's hankerchiefs. They are so delicate and feminine!
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Ryan got some artwork for his room and some HUGE conch shells to add to his collection. We had the best morning together!

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