Thursday, October 18, 2007

What I was doing six years ago...

Six years ago today, we welcomed John Paul into the world!
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Here we all are celebrating the day at Chuck E. Cheese (the birthday boy's most favorite place on earth!)

...and what I was doing 27 years ago today...
I was mourning the death of my father due to brain and lung cancer.
I still miss him everyday. I wish he would have known my boys, oh how he would have loved them!
Eternal rest grant unto him, oh Lord, and may Perpetual Light always shine upon him. Amen.
I love you daddy.
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  1. Happy Belated Birthday, John Paul!

    Prayers for your Father, JoAnn.

  2. Many prayers for you father JoAnn.

    Happy Birthday to John Paul.

  3. Will we ever stop missing them?

    blessings to you, and prayers for your Daddy.

    Happy Birthday JP from Rita Grace and her mommy.
