Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving~

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and family, hope you all had wonderful days as well! We had such a nice day yesterday! It was nice and cool and a bit overcast, the perfect day for eating too much, watching football, and drinking hot chocolate!
We just had over Doug's mom since everyone else was scattered to the wind. We had a nice lunch around 1p.m. of HoneyBaked ham, broccoli cheese casserole, asparagus, candied yams, cornbread muffins, and peach cobbler. The boys set our holiday table:
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After lunch, the boys decorated our Christmas tree. They did a wonderful job!
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Little Danny especially loved it! Last year he was too small to appreciate any of the sparkle and lights, but this year he was right in the thick of things. He went through the ornament box digging out his favorites and clustered them all along the bottom!
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I just love those chubby little baby fingers putting ornaments on the tree! He was so intent on getting them on just right! I can't wait to see his expression when we actually get the gifts under the tree!
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1 comment:

  1. I haven't even thought about getting the decorations out until next week. Hopefully I can get our Chrismon and Jesse trees in order.
