Friday, November 2, 2007

Some more great finds!

Ryan and I spent the wee hours of today going from yard sale to yard sale and it was totally worth the lost hours of sleep! Here's what we found:
Some great vintage pillowcases. Two of these I will turn into aprons (see my tutorial on how to do this in my October posts!) The other two I will save as scrap fabric for yet undetermined projects:
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Speaking of linens, I got these great little table cloths! They are vintage cotton with embroidery, two of them are from Hawaii:
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Two Longaberger baskets FOR ONE DOLLAR! Apparantly, the seller did not know their worth! Some very cool vintage plates, and a ceramic watering can that will look pretty on my kitchen windowsill.
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Three colorful glass candle holders:
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And some AWESOME costume jewelry! I'm going to collect this stuff, and when I get a box full, I'm going to hot glue it around a mirror frame. I saw this in a boutique and it was stunning! They wanted $75 bucks for a little 5x7 mirror and frame done this way...figure I can get the mirror at walmart for a buck, and the jewelry only cost me .25 cents a pair!
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The thing I'm most proud of is this patio set! I'm going to wash it down with bleach today and paint it glossy black! It will look great with one of the Hawaiian table cloths I got! Just right for a romantic luau for two!
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Grand total for all of this: $32.00


  1. Longaberger baskets for $1!!!! Wow, wish I could find those here. We use baskets for everything.

  2. Those are amazing finds! When you are ready to start selling YOUR stuff at lawn sale, let me know! (Of course, I know you won't be selling those baskets!)
    Those baskets are retired BTW.
