Thursday, November 8, 2007

A treasure inside a treasure!

I went thrifting the other day and found some vintage children's books to add to our library. This little book was among them:
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When I got home, I curled up on the couch to look through them. That was when I found this jewel written inside the cover:
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It says:
"For my bride, my wife,
My soul, my life.
For the rain giving birth
to the one from two.
For the love we share,
For the souls we bear~
I love you,
(forever and ever, Amen)
12 March '76

I've never read 'The Little Prince' but I cannot wait to sit down and read this book to try to discover what secret message Jowell was sending his wife. I cannot imagine how this little gem got lost inside a stack of books destined for the thrift store, but I'm glad it did because I'll definately treasure it. Saying a prayer for Jowell and his bride...wherever they are!


  1. How sweet! That brought tears to my eyes! He must have really adored her. What a lucky gal. :o)

  2. The little Prince is one of my all time favourites. Go and hide in a cupboard and read it. It is just such a fantastic story.
