Sunday, December 30, 2007

More fun with bentos!

I go back to work tomorrow after having a week off for the holidays and thought I'd treat myself to a nice bento lunch:

A crab/lettuce/sprout wrap, carrots, cucumber, a small wheel of Babybel cheese and some instant miso soup. I thought I'd leave a little surprise in the fridge for the boys, too:

Big boys get mock sushi rolls (turkey, swiss and lettuce!), carrot and cucumbers, crackers and cheese, and strawberry yogurt. The littles get mock sushi rolls (PB&J!), string cheese, raisins and carrots.
Doug is fending for himself...he just doesn't understand cute food in little boxes!


  1. Maybe Doug can have the Fennel Soup leftovers. ;)

  2. mmmmmmmmmm. I want the crab, lettuce and sprout wrap.

  3. Check out this site! You'll have a blast getting ideas from it! I want to get into bento, but Dh thinks its silly! Men...

  4. Bento YUM indeed!!!
    Thanks! Also check out "Lunch in a Box" on my favorite blogs list!

  5. Wow, those look good! I'm with Therese, give me the crab, lettuce and sprout wrap :)
