Saturday, December 1, 2007

Out in the garden...

Our fall garden is coming in nicely! We've been harvesting mustard greens like crazy! No sooner than I cut off some leaves, in a day or two the plant is full again. We harvested our first batch of broccoli on Thanksgiving day, it went straight from the stalk to my broccoli, rice and cheese casserole. I'm beginning to see little brussel sprouts emerging, and this morning I felt a solid head of cabbage in my plants. I really love fall gardening - No pests to deal with and no weeding!!
Here are my brussel sprouts and broccoli:

...and cabbage.


  1. So how many months don't you garden? I swear you have been gardening since February! Very jealous as I look out to a half foot of snow.

  2. Yes, since February! Here in S.Texas we really don't have much of a winter...just hot and not so hot! Tell you what, I'll trade you a bushel of vegetables for that half foot of snow, my kiddos are dying for snow!

  3. The garden looks great JoAnn.

    I have tagged you. See my blog for details.

  4. I'm with gopher mommy! Jealous over not being able to garden in the winter :(

  5. Very nice...I really wish I knew *something* about gardening!

    Speaking of south you may know, we just moved from Texas to Pennsylvania. I looked at those pictures, and checked the date of your post. My first thought was "but it's way too cold for gardening!" quickly I forget.

  6. If you let me know when those brussle sprouts are ready, then I'll be there for dinner! :D
