Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had such a busy morning here, we were trying to get the house clean for guests and prepare for Doug's bridal show this weekend. Amongst all the rush and fuss, I found the sweetest little Valentine's day card from JP (that's me there, on the right!):

After a trip to the craft store and Home Depot, we came home and painted the display boards that Doug's photos will go on. I'm doing a faux finish on them. A milk chocolate base coat:

And over that, I put a really cool textured paint:

And then over THAT, I'm going to put in flecks of black and gold. You'll have to wait to see the finished product!
Doug knows I'm not a bouquet and candy kinda girl, so while at Home Depot he picked me up a half dozen roses:

These beauties will get put in the ground early next week!
Have a happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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