Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm baaaaack!

WOW! What a hell-a-cious week! I had a bout with the flu that lasted the entire week that turned into an ear infection that landed me in the E.R. About two antibiotics and a hundred bucks later, I'm feeling much better! Thankfully, none of the rest of the family has come down with anything!

We woke up to a beautiful morning! Temps in the mid 70's and sunny. My gardening bug got the better of me and I decided to start some tomato and pepper seedlings. We soaked our peat pots and Danny and JP decided to give me a hand:

I'm hoping that since they are participating in growing our veggies that they will be more apt to eat them! We started seed on Brandywine heirloom and Roma tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos and chili peppers. I was very tempted to to just buy my plants, especially since Home Depot has started carrying some cool heirloom varieties, but John Paul says store bought plants "don't have the LOVE!"

I told Ryan I'd pay him to clear out the remnants of our winter garden. Not specifying *how* he should do this, I found him outside taking a golf club to the plants (cue "Caddy Shack" flashbacks!):

Kyle was enjoying the morning by doing summersaults on the trampoline:

I look forward to everyone enjoying their lazy Sunday's back to our usual grind come Monday!

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