Sunday, February 10, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Baked Slow Cooker Chicken Monday is a work day for me so it's definately a slow cooker meal for us! I alter this recipe by placing onions inside the chicken cavity and use lots of rosemary and garlic. I'll also have Doug put in potatoes and carrots halfway through cooking.
Tuesday: Texas Black Bean Soup Another work day for me, so I will mix all of this in the crock before heading off to work and Doug can put it on to cook by early afternoon. Serving over tortilla strips and shredded jack cheese.
Wednesday: Tacos. We have taco night EVERY week! Served with refried beans and taco fixins.
Thursday: Homemade heart shaped pizzas. Will make a double batch of dough so everyone can make their own individual pizza-heart shaped for Valentine's day.
Friday: Artichoke Spinach Lasagne Our dear parish priest is coming for dinner and I thought I'd make a spinach lasagne, minestrone soup, salad and homemade bread.
Saturday: Soup and Sammies. I'm sure we'll have some bean soup or minestrone left over from the week and will serve those with some grilled sammies (sandwiches)
Sunday: Take out. Sunday is a super busy day for us! We'll have Mass and then we'll go to the convention center to set up for Doug's first bridal show! We'll all be helping in shifts and sure to be tired by the end of the day, so seems like a little Chinese take out might be in order! Not very budget friendly, but sometimes you just need to make life easy!


  1. I just clicked on the links you had to allrecipes. One the artichoke Lasagna sounds delicious! I would love to make it right now, it's being added to my menu for next week. The black bean soup sounds yummy too and I have some black beans that I need to use up. Have you had much success making whole chickens in the crockpot? I've seen your recipe before, but I am nervous my chicken would just fall apart...bones and all. Hope you had a good week.

  2. The wings and legs have a tendency to fall off the bone when removing it from the crock, but that's just because the meat is so tender and juicy!
