Friday, March 28, 2008

Let's see what's growing in the garden!

Our family garden is coming along really great! All the seeds that were planted have germinated and are surviving the wind coming off the field (in another 4 weeks, the hay will be a nice wind shield!)
The corn has sprouted up nicely. I double planted each spot in case of some of the seeds didn't germinate...they ALL germinated! Now I have to pluck out one of my babies so the other one can thrive :-(

There was also the surprise of a little baby bell pepper growing! I had seen the flower bloom, but thought the plant was too young to actually produce anything!

My fruit trees seem to be happy, too! I thought it would be years before we'd see any apples, but this morning I found a beautiful deep pink blossom (with two more to come!) We still might not get any apples, but the flower show will be really nice!

And here is our ever faithful fig tree. It seemed to have popped out all those leaves overnight! Sonya, if you're reading this, you're going to have to come down this summer and help me make strawberry/fig preserves!

...and yes, that's Shorty's behind you see there in the picture! He was busy chasing the birds out of the yard this morning!


  1. Yes, I am reading it! I will, I bet making fig preserves is a lot easier than those pickles that you are going to help me make! I made my first challah after trying the easy bagels. The bagels didn't look pretty but tasted good. The challah looked beautiful and tasted great! Mason has to build my square garden, more like rectangle with all my sprouting veggies! See ya soon, Sonya

  2. The pickles are a breeze! I actually planted two rows of cukes so that we'll have plenty to enjoy from summer through Christmas (if they make it that long!)
