Sunday, March 9, 2008

Out in the garden...

I have definitely got spring fever! Today we spent getting everything ready for the plantings and seeds to go in. The rows are hoed and black plastic covers everything. I'm waiting another week for the soil to get good and warm and moist, plus, it's another week or so until our last frost date!

My seedlings have been enjoying days sitting in a sunny window. Today was very overcast and they really had to crane their necks to get a good dose of light!

Our strawberries are beginning to take root, another week and they'll be ready to hang out by the barn.

Our fig tree is even waking up from it's winter sleep. Beautiful leaves are budding everywhere!

Speaking of trees, I got a lemon, orange and self pollinating apple tree last week. Just as soon as I got them in the ground, we had two nights of freezing temps and wind. I hope they were not too traumatized and will hopefully bounce back with the warmer temps expected next week!

We had a small patch tilled for a sunflower garden for the kids. John Paul and Daniel are planting four varieties of sunflowers. Some of these should reach up to 12ft. high (and hopefully will deter the birds away from my garden!)

And isn't this beautiful? It's the beginnings of my compost pile! I've been fussing at the kids all week not to throw away their banana peels and apple cores...they think their mom is psycho!

I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas! Spring can't get here soon enough!

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