Sunday, April 27, 2008

Can I get a WOOT, WOOT?!

My gardening books assured me that my lettuce seeds would NOT sprout if soil temps were above 65 degrees. I thought that I'd still take a chance and plant some (despite our 80 degree temps!) and if I failed, I'd only be out the dollar it cost for the seed pack. Well, look what I found this morning...

A great big bucket full of gorgeous lettuce seedlings! I'm just so stunned they even sprouted! Maybe this week's cooler temps will give them the boost they need to keep growing.

It doesn't matter that they so close. I'll cut them when they are just a few inches long, while they are still tender, just like in the fancy-schmancy restaurants. Get the vinaigrette ready!!!


  1. Woot, Woot!!! That's great, JoAnn. There is a little community garden where my mom lives, and the lettuce there has done so well. I hope yours does the same. Way to go!

  2. Woot woot!!! :) That's amazing! Great job. Is there anything you can't do? Seriously, you impress me! I wish you lived closer so you could teach me things. :)

  3. My gosh, you have SUCH a green thumb. If it were me, even if the temps hovered at 65 degrees for weeks, I would still kill it!!!! I am so jealous!
