Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cue 'Top Gun' music!

Ryan and his CAP wing went to the Brazoria Air Show today. They had a bake sale to raise money for camp this summer and a few of the young men got to take O-flights - Ryan was one of them!
He got to take off and fly the plane all the way back to Wharton. He actually flew near enough to see the tennis courts of our neighborhood! He had a great time and we are so proud of him! Ryan's next O-fly will be in Galveston in a few weeks.
Here's a picture of the plane he flew:


  1. How cool. Steve would be totally jealous.

    I have tagged you for a meme. See my blog for details.


  2. Pippin says,
    "Wow, that's awesome!"

  3. O-flights are a blast, aren't they?! I think I have pics of Jack's first O-flight on my blog but they are bad cell phone pics.
    He's going to go to summer encampment, eh? You'll love his behavior when he gets back. I just wish it lasted longer :D

  4. I was looking forward to a quiet week without teenaged mean he'll actually be tolerable when he gets back from encampment, too?
    Oh happy day!!! June can't get here quick enough!

  5. It was SO quiet and peaceful around here when Jack was at encampment. What is it with 13 yo boys??

    For about 24-48 hours after they get back from encampment their behavior/attitude is amazing.
    a) they are so conditioned to 'right-away' obedience they practically sprain their tongues the 'yes, ma'am' comes flying out so fast.
    b) they are so happy to be home and be able to sleep, eat good food and not be yelled at 24/7 they're your sweet little boy again..for a little while
    c) he'll be squaring his corners (turning on toes while marching) everywhere he goes. it's a riot. the sacristan at our church (ex-AF) had to tell Jack to stop squaring his corners while serving. :D He didn't even realize he was doing it.

    Jack was thinking about going to encampment this summer as staff but it just didn't happen-he's done encampment, ALS and a CTEP already this year-we weren't that enamored with him going to summer encampment also. Now he is deciding if he wants to go to GSARS this fall or staff winter encampment.
