Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A gardening experiment

I want to grow lettuce, but it is a late fall crop here in Texas. There are varieties that grow in warmer climates, but I don't have the patience to wait the 4-6 weeks for shipping that the mail order will take! So I decided to see if I could grow some in the shadiest, coolest spot of my backyard - my back porch. I emptied out one of JP's old toy buckets, drilled a few holes in it for drainage, and filled it with detergent containers and milk jugs (this takes up space so you don't need so much soil!)

Then I added a good soil since I don't have any compost yet.

Then just spread your seeds evenly over the dirt. I'm planting a sweet mezclun mix and baby spinach. Cover the seeds with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil and tap down so that the seeds are in good contact with the dirt. Water and keep moist.

I think it would be awesome to walk out to my back yard and cut some greens, mix in a few cukes and 'maters and serve my family a delicious and healthy salad with our meals! We'll find out in 8-10 days if these little seeds will sprout and grow in 80+ degree heat!
Stay tuned...

As for my tomatoes,



  1. Ah, tomatoes already! We are just not planting only cold weather stuff...peas, cabbage. Tomatoes are not transplanted for a few more weeks. Yum.

  2. I hope your salad garden thrives, JoAnn! If you can't wait for those tomatoes to turn red, threaten them with this. :o)

    Fried Green Tomatoes

    1 large egg, lightly beaten
    1/2 cup buttermilk
    1/2 cup all-purpose flour, divided
    1/2 cup cornmeal
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon pepper
    3 medium-size green tomatoes, cut into 1/3-inch slices
    Vegetable oil
    Salt to taste

    Combine egg and buttermilk; set aside.

    Combine 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, cornmeal, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper in a shallow bowl or pan.

    Dredge tomato slices in remaining 1/4 cup flour; dip in egg mixture, and dredge in cornmeal mixture.

    Pour oil to a depth of 1/4 to 1/2 inch in a large cast-iron skillet; heat to 375°. Drop tomatoes, in batches, into hot oil, and cook 2 minutes on each side or until golden. Drain on paper towels or a rack. Sprinkle hot tomatoes with salt.

    4 to 6 servings

  3. Thanks for the recipe Kalona! We will definitely be trying it!!!

  4. How fun! You're inspiring me to get busy, now that the kids are old enough to help.

    The milk carton thing is INSPIRED.

    BTW, I stumbled on your blog today after someone clicked on me from here. Thanks for the link (wherever it may be!) Blessings,
    Heidi Saxton

  5. Steve and I have talked about planting lettuce. We may try the same thing here.

