Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Getting ready for the fair!

The boys are busy putting together projects and practicing recipes for the upcoming Wharton County Youth Fair today! Ryan and Kyle decided to submit entries this year and I'm very proud of both of them! Ryan is submitting two types of breads to be judged, a white loaf and an artisan sourdough loaf with rosemary, and an apple pie. Here is Ryan working on his white loaf today:

Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of the finished product! By the time it was done, we had a house full of neighborhood kids and I was doing my best to keep some sort of order among them...that and the fact that Kyle cut into the loaf just minutes out of the oven! The bread was REALLY good, though, and totally worth having to scrub flour dust off of all the counters and kitchen floor!

Kyle was busy at work as well. He is submitting a drawing of the newly renovated Wharton Courthouse (in the middle of our town square) and two photographs. Here he is wedged in between the couch and coffee table drawing:

And here is one of his photos. The kid has a great eye!

We'll let you know how it goes! Hopefully there will be blue ribbons in it for both of them!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see Kyle keep up his art; he is very talented. great drawings AND photo. I'm jealous of Ryan though! I keep trying to make bread, and I guess I have my weight on the wrong foot. You are doing a great job with those boys!
