Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ahhh, Queen for the day!

We went to a beautiful early Mass where the kids were well behaved (I think Doug threatened them within an inch of their lives!) We had a little lunch and took a nap. Then Doug made an awesome dinner for all of us! He fired up the grill and cooked a pork loin and some ribs (which Doug's mom brought over-she had them marinating all day!) And all I had to do was gather some squash, zucchini and peppers from the garden. Doug put the flame to the veggies, with a little garlic butter, and voila - dinner was served!
After dinner, we relaxed and visited over warm brownies.
We talked about Mrs. C's mom and what an amazing Italian cook she was. She told me all about the canoli, pizzas, and Italian breads she used to make and promised me that one day she's going to show me how to do it!
I'm holding you to that promise, Mrs. C! Nothing would make me prouder than to continue your fine family traditions and pass them onto my own boys (especially now that I have a budding bread baker in training!) I'm craving canoli! We're going to have to do this SOON!
Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! It looks lie you had a great Mother's Day! You deserve it! Can't wait to see you guys again!
