Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Zucchinis Gone Wild!

Kyle's been manning the garden while I've been at work the past couple of days. He pulled this monster out this morning!

It was over four cups shredded! We'll be eating this mutant tomorrow morning in zucchini bread muffins.


  1. wow. What a big zucchini. We have just planted some zucchini seeds. I hope we can get one that big. I have made zucchini bread muffins a lot lately.

  2. Holy cow, those are big! Do they still taste as good?

  3. Yes, it tasted just fine! I've been searching the internet for zucchini recipes lately to use it up, plus, were giving alot to our friends and neighbors!

  4. Remember you can feeze shredded Zucchini! Even though I don't have a garden, everyone gives me their excess zucchini...which is a A LOT!

    Last year I shreed about 25 cups and packaged them in 1 and 2 cup portions. Just thaw and use as you would fresh shredded zucchini.

  5. That's so good to know! I was afraid to freeze it because I thought it would be mushy. Will definitely try it! Thanks!
