Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our House is Blessed!

Our house is blessed...literally!

Our dear parish priest, Father Heyer, was kind enough to come to our home and celebrate the Holy Mass and bless our home. The Mass was absolutely beautiful and was offered for the souls of our lost children, Michael and Dominic. Mass was followed by a blessing of water and salt (Old school style using the Missale Romanum!) and then blessing of our home. Father blessed the doorways with chalk and holy water and then proceeded to bless each room of our house.
After the celebration, we sat down to dinner and Father entertained us with stories of his travels to Rome and the Holy Land. For such a young priest he has been greatly blessed with such opportunities to visit the places of our Lord and His apostles. Even the kids loved listening to his stories! We feel so honored and humbled for this wonderful experience.

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