Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thrift store find

I saw these beautiful vintage glass canisters WEEKS ago at our local thrift store. I didn't buy them because they were listed for $25. I also figured that someone would snatch them up quickly so you can imagine my surprise when I went in today and they were sitting there marked down to this:

I absolutely love thrift store finds but I get absolutely giddy when I can get something marked down even more! These were a steal at $25! They are vintage, super heavy and the most beautiful emerald green I have ever seen. I literally gasped when I saw them sitting on the store shelf! I quickly grabbed them for fear that some little old lady would tap me on the shoulder and say that she saw them first!

...and trust me, I'd fight an old lady for these!


  1. Pretty!! I HAVE to come thrift/yard sale shopping with you now!! Especially since we have a house now!!!

  2. I smiled when I saw your post, Joann. I had the same set in amber years ago. I like the green much better, though. Aren't thrift stores fun?

  3. OOOooooOOOO pretty, JoAnn...I wish I could find some in red...THAT would rock with my red and white kitchen...

  4. I can't take it anymore!! I collect green glass!!

    (I do have a similar/square set of 4 in amber, if you ever want to trade)
