Monday, June 23, 2008

Tomato Sauce

I thought I'd try my hand at making some homemade tomato sauce. I scoured the internet for recipes and finally figured that the simplest ingredients probably made the best sauce.
So I assembled my cast of characters:

Fresh tomatoes from the garden that were blanched and skins removed, bell peppers from the garden cored and seeded, garlic, onion, fresh basil from the herb garden, dried oregano, salt and pepper to taste, and some good olive oil.
Since my kids won't eat a sauce with chunks of vegetables in it, I blended all the ingredients (except the oregano and basil) in the food processor until smooth. I'll add the herbs at the end of the cooking time so that they keep their fresh taste and color. Cooking them all day would just turn them brown. I thought cooking low and slow in the crock pot was the way to go. One, it wouldn't heat up the kitchen, and two, we could enjoy the smell of it simmering alllll day long!

Instead of canning it, I'll probably just put it in quart sized freezer bags since we'll be using it up pretty quickly. Can't wait to taste this on pizza margarita or hot pasta!

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