Friday, July 4, 2008

My newest obsession

I found these cute little girl's "smockets" online one day while blog browsing and it was love at first site! I don't have any little girls to sew for but I was DYING to make I did!
And it's reversible!
I raided the dollar fabric bin at Walmart and got all kinds of cute prints. I'll be spending this rainy Saturday making them and sending some out to some special little girl's we know!
I fitted them on little Danny to see what they looked like. He said, "Look mom, I'm a cooker now!" (he thought it was a chef's apron!). Isn't he CUTE? (Sorry Doug, I just HAD to do it!)

I love them so much that I've been trying to figure out how to scale it up to my size. I found a template HERE. I just think that I will make the shoulder straps longer so I can tie them! Until then I'll just have to be happy with my other smock.


  1. When I first saw the pattern, I thought I would try doing it with buttons rather than tying it. These would make great art smocks I think. I was thinking about scaling the pattern up too but didn't really know how. If you work it out, let me know.

  2. I like the idea of buttons also.. like those big chunky artsy ones. BUT, I like the way you did it.. super cute!! You are so very talented.

  3. How cute! I have a one and a half year old. I have fallen in love with this. You are amazing with your ideas and ingenuity!
