Saturday, July 5, 2008

Treasures from the past

Mrs. C (Doug's mom) recently did some closet cleaning and came across some wonderful treasures from the past. She found dozens of old photos, mementos of her family, and some simple beautiful every day items that she graciously shared with me! BTW, her mother crocheted and knitted these pretties!
Some hand made potholders which are truly works of art!
Simple dishtowels beautifully transformed:
An apron made from a dishtowel - and girl, you know how I loves me some aprons!
One very kitchy cool deviled egg platter:
And the most wonderful treasure of all is this silver brush & comb set, silver cup, and coin bank from when Doug was a baby!
I couldn't bear the thought of leaving them in their boxes, so they're on display on a bookcase in the living room. John asked about the items as I was putting them out, so I told him that these were daddy's when he was a baby. John replied, "Man, those things must be REALLY OLD!"
But I just smiled and thought about the day when he would be combing his own baby's hair with that little brush...
I'm feeling very rich today.

1 comment:

  1. JoAnn,

    you have some beautiful old treasures there. They are great. I really love the deviled egg platter. I would love to eat a full plate of them everyday.
