Friday, August 1, 2008

It was a good day...

We had a nice relaxing day with Ryan and the boys as we celebrated his 14th birthday. The kids woke up to banana pancakes then we got dressed and headed out. All Ryan wanted to do was see a movie and eat out, so we headed to Sugarland. Doug and the big boys went to see the newest Mummy flick while the littles and I went to see Wall-E. After gorging ourselves on popcorn, the kids had to make a detour by the local Game Stop and then we had a nice dinner at Ryan's favorite restaurant, Kim Son.
I forgot my camera as I was rushed out the door by Doug so there are no pictures of the day's events.
But I DID take this pic of our birthday boy and his gigantic peanut butter & chocolate chip cookie "cake."
Check out John Paul in the "before" picture. ^^^

Now check him out in the "after" picture:

...Ryan didn't appreciate the bunny ears.

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