Sunday, August 31, 2008

Menu Plan Monday (on Sunday!)

This week I've been taking some time to find some new and interesting recipes online. Our meal plan this week is a trip around the world (so to speak!) We're still sticking with whole foods and I'm trying to expose Doug and the kids to new tastes. We'll see how it goes!
We are having a little shake up in our weekly routines...meetings have changed days, we are adding a night class once a week, football season is starting, and between me working during the week and Doug on the weekends, time is going to be a prime commodity around here! So here is my choice of quick and healthy dinners:

Monday: Stir fry chicken and bok choi. My plan is to cook one big batch of chicken this day to use during the week in other meals. It will definitely help on prep time! Will put some black beans on to soak overnight and cook Tuesday morning.

Tuesday: Cheese quesadillas (on homemade whole wheat tortillas) with fiesta rice. I plan to cook a double batch of the fiesta rice to eat for lunches and snacks throughout the week.

Wednesday: Spicy Posole soup with avocado salad.

Thursday: Greek chicken pasta. Will use chicken from earlier in the week and will use whole wheat linguini for the pasta.

Friday: Eggplant parmesan. This recipe uses baked eggplant instead of fried and Bertolli has a very nice organic maranara sauce that I will use.

Saturday: Homemade mac & cheese. Doug has a wedding out of town so it will be just me and the kids. This was a big hit last time I served it!

Sunday: Breakfast for dinner. We will ALL be tired by Saturday and a nice comforting meal of eggs and pancakes will sure hit the spot!


  1. That eggplant parmesan looks great.

    Do you make your pancakes with whole wheat flour?

  2. I use Bob's Red Mill 10 grain pancake mix. With that, all you have to do is add egg and milk. They are super fluffy and melt in your mouth!

  3. Hmm. I wonder if they have something like that here.

  4. If they don't, I've also used oat flour. It worked really well and made a nice nutty & light pancake. I mixed in a little ground flax and wheat germ to boost nutrition (since the kids smother them in syrup!)

  5. The greek chicken pasta looks great. I will definitely have to give it a try.
