Friday, October 17, 2008


We spent all of Friday afternoon at the Houston Zoo as a little pre-birthday treat for JP. It was a cool overcast day, just perfect for walking and enjoying the sites. JP and Danny had so much fun looking at all the animals, plus, the zoo has so many interactive exhibits which lets them get up close and personal with the animals! We had such a good time but were so exhausted by the time we got home.

Today JP turns SEVEN! I just cannot believe it! When did my sweet baby grow up?

Since Doug is out of town on a shoot, we'll spend a lazy weekend at home playing Fantanstic Four and...

...eating cupcakes!


  1. That has to be THE creepiest birthday cake we have ever seen!
    Rita Grace, and all the Dybala family wish JP a VERY happy and blessed (and creepy?) birthday!

  2.'s the way we roll!
    (Cue Addams Family theme song)
