Saturday, January 10, 2009

My latest gardening project

I plan to turn this barren little patch of earth into a medicinal herb garden.
It's going to be a challenge because, as you can see, it's covered in shade for most of the day. I've dabbled a bit in herb gardening in an old wooden barrel on my back porch. I love cooking with fresh herbs, and they did really well in containers, but now I'm ready to kick it up a notch and grow our own medicinals and teas as well. I'm in the planning stages right now, going through seed catalogs and sketching my layout. I have a LOT of reading to do! Hopefully next month Doug will till up the area and we'll start preparing the soil for a mid/late March planting!


  1. I cannot wait to see what you do with this!
    Ok, so is the church sign photo-shopped??

  2. Are you going to go with raised beds, or something less permanent?

  3. Click on the church sign and you'll see how it was done! There are tons of funny sign generators online, I just happened to play with this church sign.

    I'm going to till into the ground in the area and make permanent beds. Most of the medicinal herbs I want to grow are perennials so the area will continue to grow over the years. Plus, most are really beautiful flowering plants. It will make an attractive border around the house.
