Monday, January 12, 2009

There's a little milking going on...

...and it ain't of the cow variety!

Kyle stepped on a nail that went through his shoe...THREE DAYS AGO! He didn't think it was a big deal until it started hurting him last night. Let me tell you, he thinks it's a big deal NOW, especially since I've enlightened him on the risks of tetanus, staph, and sepsis ('cause I'm an awesome mother like that!)

So we get up at the butt crack of dawn this morning and head to the clinic. I hate, hate, HATE taking kids to the clinic! You walk in there with a well child and walk out with half a dozen diseases, but I knew we just had to do this. He took his tetanus shot like a champ...didn't even flinch. The most painful part of the experience for him was this Snoopy band aid, you know, because he's waaaay too cool for that!

My tough boy is now on the couch milking this for all it's worth. He's relayed the horrific story ten times over of the needle that "was like five inches long" punctured his arm and how he was injected with the "vile tetanus virus". He had Danny captivated as he told about the "screams of the other children" coming from the near by exam rooms.

Oh, and did I mention the doughnuts he talked me into on the way home?
He's on his fourth right now...


  1. Awww! Poor Kyle. But those donuts look good.

  2. yum. I want a box of donuts too. Maybe I will get some today.
