Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to do a bridal show on a budget

This weekend Doug will be an exhibitor at the Wharton County Bridal Bliss Expo. He did this last year and had a terrific response and increase in business. We have a very limited budget to make a big impact at the show, but with a little ingenuity, I think we can make it!
First of all, we've been buying frames at the thrift stores during the year.
With a little spray paint they look good as new!

We also were on the look out for clearance items at our local craft stores. Here's a frame that would normally cost $45 - we got for $15! It had a small scratch on the front that was easily repaired with a little concentrated coffee and water.

Do it yourself framing! All you need is a little tape and a staple gun. No one will ever see the backs of these pictures so why pay for expensive framing? If the backs were exposed then I would probably cover with brown craft paper.

Instead of paying for table skirts, I got these pretty satins from the Walmart dollar bin. Everything was just a dollar a yard and it'll take me less than an hour to sew the panels together and hem.

Don't pay for accessories - shop at home! I went around the house and picked up pieces that would go with our set-up. Candles and tchochkies always work within a display and I thought I'd use the glass cake pedestal to fan out Doug's business cards and price list. The plate holders will hold pretty frames. I'll use books underneath my table covering to make different height levels on the display table.

It just goes to show you, it doesn't have to be expensive to be beautiful! Plus, Doug's work speaks for itself. His images are outstanding and I'm sure he'll finish booking up his year by the end of the show. Be sure to check out his website: Douglas Creamer Photography or send him some love at his blog.

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