Monday, March 23, 2009

Garden 2009

Our summer garden for this year has been tilled, compost spread, hoed into rows, covered in black plastic, and planted. It's such a great feeling to finally have my seeds in the ground after so much work and we let God take care of the rest!

Here's what's planted:

Cucumber - 2 varieties
Green beans - 2 varieties
Lima beans
Bell pepper
Hot pepper
Acorn squash
Tomatoes - 7 varieties
Spaghetti squash
Yellow summer squash
Cantaloupe - 2 varieties
Honeydew melon
Whew! I'm tired just typing that!
I hope that I haven't gotten to over zealous in my plantings.
I am wanting to preserve about half of what we harvest to enjoy during the winter months. It will really cut our food costs in the long run! Plus, this year is going to be an experiment in trying to sustain the garden year round, with harvests in all four seasons-not just two!
Hey, I see you 'eyein my garden...
don't be getting any ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you have to remind me to email you the pollinating tips my botany professor gave us in class on Tuesday for your corn. I wrote it all down because I wanted to ask if you would be planting corn this season. :-)
