Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's the color all the fashionable cabbage are wearing this season!

Two weeks of fermentation are up and I bottled this sauerkraut this morning. I used up the rest of my purple cabbage from the garden and the natural pigments turned the kraut the most beautiful color!
Can you imagine a turkey ruben with pink kraut on top?

These beauties are going in the fridge and will keep a year or more
(if they last that long!)

Lacto fermenting vegetables has been such and easy process and I can't wait to try this with our summer vegetables. I plan on fermenting some salsa, pickles, beets, garlic, and maybe even kimchi. The health benefits are numerous, and you can read all about them HERE.

We've been so blessed this season by not getting sick and I'm positive it has been from the increase in probiotics in our diet. We've had one small head cold at the beginning of winter and then some weird virus went through the kids about two weeks ago (fever and cough).
Doug and I didn't get sick at all!
We've also amazingly escaped getting the rotovirus that has been going around
(knocking on wood as I type this!) and now that I think about it, we've had no tummy troubles at all!
Today I have a scratchy throat, but otherwise feel fine. This weekend I'm going to load up on supplements and probiotics and gallons of green tea.
We'll see how it goes!


  1. Save me one! I'd love some hot pink kraut. :-) When's the fair? I'd lvoe to bring the kids out if I can swing it.

  2. You got it!!!
    The fair is the first week of May. Here is the schedule of events:
    It's lots of fun and we'd love to have you!
