Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fresh yard eggs

It's what's for breakfast!
I found a farmer here in town that sells totally organic free range eggs for two bucks a can't buy them in the stores for that price!
Rich orange yolks that stand up over an inch high...
Scrambled up for hungry country boys...
Or as John Paul likes to say...
"Straight from the chicken's butt to your plate!"
Guess you can't get much fresher than THAT!


  1. Aren't they lovely, when you crack the shell and there is that lovely orange yolk? Bright as a marigold, a good sign of fresh air, sunshine, and lots and lots of good natural "feed".

    DH had two big ol' goose eggs for breakfast--just as orange as could be. Gotta love it...

    Glad you found a place close by....we sell some to the ladies in my homeschool co-op. That is a nice thing...a little extra "egg money" for momma, and fresh eggs for the ladies there concerned about their family's diet

  2. occasionally our chickens go on strike and I have to buy eggs from the supermarket. I can taste the difference. They just don't have the flavour that our chickens eggs do.

  3. Lucky.

    Not only can I TASTE a difference in free range eggs, they ACT different... the way they fall out of the shell is different and even how they move in the pan.

    I get my "Eggsland's Best" for $1.40 a dozen at the commisary (They're $4 at civilian stores!!!) and while they're not free range... they're as good as it's gonna get around here 'til we get our own hens!

  4. That's a GREAT price! I have a dear friend who always brings me a dozen (sometimes 2) eggs when we see each other! Otherwise, to buy them (even at the farmer's market or from the local farmers) it costs almost $4.00/dozen! Its outrageous and I have considered bringing in hens to my little suburban neighborhood!
