Monday, April 13, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

This is a week of simple, frugal meals while I'm (not so) patiently waiting for my garden to come in! I'm also LOVING having the "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" sponge sitting in my fridge for quick and fresh homemade bread with our meals.

Monday: Grilled vegetable quesadillas on homemade sprouted wheat tortillas served with black beans. It's game night, we need portable food!

Tuesday: Twice baked potatoes and salad served with artisan bread.

Wednesday: Crock pot taco soup.

Thursday: Grilled pizza using artisan bread for the crusts.

Friday: Spinach fritatta and fruit salad. Made with yard eggs from a local farm!

Saturday: Homemade mac & cheese.

Sunday: Crock pot roast (organic/grass fed) and baby carrots served with artisan bread.

1 comment:

  1. What yummy food! I think I have an artisan bread post bookmarked as read later!!! There seems to be a growing list. I look forward to browsing your blog.

    By the way I love your Nancy Reagan snippet.
