Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Medicinal herbs

Doug built me two nice garden boxes for my medicinal herbs. I used one for herbs and the second one is a lettuce bed. Last winter I really loved being able to walk out to the garden and pick a fresh salad. How can you have fresh summer tomatoes and cucumbers with store bought lettuce...blasphemy!!! I hope that the lettuce tolerates our hot Texas summers (otherwise known as 'the surface of the sun') The garden box is in the shadiest and coolest spot of the yard.

The medicinal herbs transplanted very well and seem to like their new home. I direct sewed some scullcap and burdock, I'm interested to see if they sprout. JP was playing with some rocks and I thought they would be great (cheap) garden markers for our plants. We just used a Sharpie to print the plant names and I think they turned out really cute!

Speaking of medicinal herbs, the elderberry tincture was done just in time! JP has either come down with allergies or a summer cold. I mixed up two teaspoons of tincture into some grape flavored kombucha...then Mount Vesuvius proceeded to erupt:

But JP really liked it!

I bottled up the rest of the tincture in some glass bottles I had been saving. I love the maple syrup bottle, it actually looks like an old time medicine bottle!
These will store in a cool dark place for a year or more.
When anyone starts to feel a cold coming on, they'll get 3 tsp. of tincture 3 times a day until the cold subsides. It really doesn't taste bad. It's thick and syrupy and tastes like berries. I didn't add any sweetener to this batch and you can definitely taste the alcohol! When mixed with any other liquid (tea, juice, kombucha) the strong flavor of the berries comes through nicely.
I'll be making at least two more batches so if anyone nearby wants some,
make sure you leave a comment or email me!

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