Friday, June 19, 2009

The House Guest

Dearest Nana,
I hope you are enjoying your vacation in Las Vegas this week!
Don't worry about me, I'm having a great time with Doug, Jo, and the boys...

The accommodations here are truly FIVE STARS!

John Paul shares his breakfast with me...
even though he makes me do a humiliating dance for it.

I'm hanging out with all the cool kids from the block.

And I get all the back scratches and belly rubs I want!

Danny even lets me take him for walks!

It's been great here, but I still miss you LOTS!
Hurry home soon...

...til then I think I'll just take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. If you want a pretty little puppy, I've got a friend here who raises them...

    And they are sooo cute...
