Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Fall garden is in...

...well almost!

My weekends are so busy that I have to stagger my work. I had a four day weekend this week but it still wasn't enough time for all of the things I needed to accomplish!
Luckily, Doug and the boys pitched in and I got the garden weeded and my seedlings planted:
Brussell sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and collard greens.

Next weekend I'll finish up with seeds that can be directly sewn into the ground:
Parsnips, turnips, carrots, peas (3 varieties), kohlrabi, green onion, and lettuce (5 varieties).

And the great tomato question has been answered!

Yes, you can cut your plants back after the summer harvest and they will grow back!

That has turned out to be quite the money/time saver and I can't wait to put up more batches of fresh tomatoes for the winter!
Fire up the stew pot!

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