Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tea Time

I usually get my teas from Chinatown (in west Houston) but this week I was making an order to Rose Mountain Herbs for some elderberries to make more cold and flu tincture and decided to try some of their herbal teas.

I was not disappointed!

I ordered a small sampler of their 100% organic loose herbal tea blends:
Dream Tea
Peace Tea
Fairyland Tea

They came packaged in these lovely reusable tins and the fragrance coming off of these was amazing! You can visibly see the chamomile, lavender, spearmint, flower petals, etc...

I immediately brewed up a cup of Peace Tea with a little raw honey and a toasted bagel!

Early in the morning before everyone rises or late in the afternoon when they are out and about, those are MY times alone to ponder, reflect, and relax with a good cup of warm tea.

It soothes the soul.

What do you do to relax?

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