Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Garden Porn

1 comment:

  1. (sticking fingers in ears/covering eyes) LALALALALALALALALALA!! I am *not* listening/watching! Not not not...

    Can you tell we haven't been able to get ours in the ground yet? We got over 2 inches last week, now it is dried out, but DH is at work all day. Tonight we hope he'll be able to mow down the grass/weed/plant growth in there, and tomorrow, God willing, plow it back in...then maybe he can till it in on Saturday. Assuming we don't get too much rain Thursday (they are predicting more--so it may be Monday before he can get out there and do it).

    But I am so glad you shared. It just makes me sad I don't have any pictures to tease/taunt/show people, lol...
