Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Birthday John Paul!

Sunday was JP's eighth birthday. We got up and had a big breakfast of pancakes and sausage balls, then off to Mass. After Mass we went into Sugarland for an afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese (JP's most favorite place on earth...Doug and mine, not so much!)
We had lots of presents, pizza, and too much cake! Our precious boy had a great time.
So happy to be your mama, my sweet John Paul, you make me laugh and appreciate life every single day! I love you very much!

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  1. Belated birthday wishes to you, John Paul! I hope you had a good time (and that the shift in diet doesn't send you all back to bed, grouchy and grumbly...!).

  2. Happy Birthday, JP! I'm glad you had a great day.
