Monday, November 9, 2009

A lovely night out...

Every year Doug donates his photography services to a wonderful organization, the Houston area Foundation for Life. Once a year they host a huge gala to raise money to help mothers and their unborn children. Their services range from emergency aid like food, shelter, and clothing to ongoing support like educational classes, legal aid, and spiritual/emotional counseling.
For the past 26 years FFL has worked faithfully in the Houston community to educate the public about the humanity and value of life from conception to natural death. The Foundation has also sought to reach out to others with truth and the life-changing message that God loves them, that there can be changes to destructive lifestyle choices, healing for psychological and spiritual effects of abortion, and answers to problem pregnancies when there seems no way out.

The gala was wonderful! Not only did it allow a lovely evening out with my husband, but we got to see and meet some incredible people. Michelle Malkin was the keynote speaker this year and her speech was inspirational and uplifting. We came out of that place feeling like real Americans...not right wing "extremists" as the so-called media likes to label us!

But at the end of the evening I was still left with one question...

What level of hell were these shoes invented in?

1 comment:

  1. Good for you (for going/being able to go)...

    As per the shoes, well, you *did* think to offer it up for the sake of the Holy Souls, right? ;-)

    Glad you had a good time, and I am glad that there was such a good turnout...
