Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is why I should have had little girls...

A precious pink knitted hat and matching leggings to go with it!
Sewing and knitting for little girls is so much fun!


  1. Oh, very nice!!!

    I didn't knit when my girls were little bitty though, so they missed out on it. :-( The boys, well, you've got four--you know how *they* are. LOL

    Would you believe that after three girls, I was thrilled to be able to buy something with construction vehicles on it? LOL. I'd had enough of pretty pink flowers and bunnies and butterflies. I needed long sleeved rompers that have little things like "Look out Below" stitched on the backside....

    That is so precious!!! Are you making that for a mutual friend of ours? ;-)

  2. oh--and I forgot to mention--this way, you'll have four boys to give you lots and lots of grand-daughters!!! ;-)
