Monday, December 28, 2009

The Aftermath

The presents are opened and enough food was eaten to feed a small country.
We had a lovely Christmas and are so thankful to all our family and friends for their love, support, and generosity!

Christmas Day we headed down to Baytown to visit my side of the family.
Christmas at Aunt Bonnie's is always wonderful.

I love watching the boys play with their cousins! I remember running in this very yard as a child and I'm so happy to see them strengthening those ties that bind.

The day after Christmas was spent with the Creamers. Mrs C really out did herself this year by doing ALL the was a monumental task! We had a great visit with everyone and the boys so love their uncles Scott and Tim.
The dogs all got along pretty well, too!

Sunday was spent relaxing and recouping and feeling truly blessed!
Hope you had a blessed Christmas, too.

1 comment:

  1. We had a nice slow weekend here, too, aside from all of the ice and snow hanging around. It is still cold, and there are rumors we will get some more (not nearly the 6or so inches we got Christmas Eve) Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.

    Glad you were able to be with your families and have a good time laughing and loving.
