Monday, December 21, 2009

Now that my Christmas crafting is done...

It's time to sew something for ME!

I'm making a dress for midnight Mass using the Meghan Peasant Dress from Sis Boom.
It's a downloadable pattern which means you get it as soon as you order it...
and I'm all about the instant gratification!

I made one out of knit to get a feel for the pattern:
It went together easily in an afternoon and will be the perfect house dress.
Still deciding on the length...maybe just below the knee.

I think I might like to make one out of some deep red or hunter green velvet for Christmas.

Very pretty and "peasant-y" huh?


  1. Whatever you do, don't let it end on the widest part of your lower leg. Makes your legs look fatter (ask me how I know, lol).

    I'm all about the lower calf length. :-)


  2. Oh--and I really like that print. I cannot wear pinks or roses well, with my skin tone (they make my face look red red), but I like them all the same :-) . Definitely post a pic 'on a model' ;-) when you get it finished!
