Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year - New Look!

Thought I'd give the blog a little makeover for the new year!
There are still a few kinks to be worked out, but overall I really like it!
Tell me what you think.


  1. Wow, this is a change! Brown seems so...I guess I would call you a turquoise. :-) Brown is a robin...and you, my dear, are a brightly colored love-bird. :-)

    I like it, but it isn't what I would think of first, when I thought of you... ;-)

  2. it's great. I really like the colours. Your three column loads quickly too. Which template did you use? I have looked at a couple of tutorials to make mine a triple template.

  3. Got the template from:
    They have lots of really cute freebies!

  4. I love the blue and brown combination; very pretty. The new look is really nice, JoAnn.
