Sunday, January 10, 2010

Southern Sunday Supper

Mrs. C brought us a wonderful ham this week and I've been steadily using it up. This morning I used the last of it for a hearty breakfast of ham, homemade biscuits, and country gravy.
Before running off to church, I put the ham hock into the crock with a packet of dried black eye peas, chopped onion, garlic, and seasonings. This is going to be sooo good for dinner on a cold winter night like tonight! I can hear that hot buttered cornbread calling my name right now!

And now that dinner's done...I'll have plenty of time for a long Sunday afternoon nap!

1 comment:

  1. lol--I love beans and ham "stoup" :-) We use navy beans instead of black eyed peas, mostly because I love the buttery flavor that the navy beans get after hours of cooking in the luscious smoky ham flavor...with some onion, a bit of garlic..some fresh cracked black pepper? MMMMMmmmmm

    But we're going to our parish's priest appreciation dinner tonight, and I've got a casserole to make. LOL.

    Enjoy your nap...
