Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm baaaack!

I left for Minnesota last Tuesday for a strike travel assignment. This was my very first assignment with this company and my very first travel assignment EVER! It could not have gone more smoothly, and besides having to leave my family for four days, it was a wonderful experience!
The flight out of Houston was nice. I haven't been on an airplane since our honeymoon 17 years ago! When I got to the airport, travel to the hotel was already arranged by my agency. At the hotel, I got "processed" for my work assignment - making sure my licensure was in order and all the requirements for the hospital were done. Then I checked into my room:

And yes, that bed was as comfortable as it looks!

I went to a short hospital orientation that evening and dinner in town with my roommate. The next day I had off and spent the day exploring the city of St. Paul. I ended up visiting to the Cathedral of St. Paul:

It was absolutely STUNNING and I could have easily spent all day there! I almost did spend all day there and missed the last hotel shuttle to the Mall of America. It was ok though, by that time I was tired and not feeling very well, so I went back to the hotel and the quiet....with no children running and screaming.

The next day was work day. We showed up at ridiculous o'clock for our hospital assignments at the hotel. I was bumped from my normal day shift to the night shift. I was a little upset at that fact but I really couldn't be mad....I only had to do the ONE shift! So I had some breakfast at the free buffet they served us daily and went back to bed for the day.

(view from the hotel: the Mississippi River)

I went back in the late afternoon for my assignment and then we were bussed into the hospital. The nurses on the picket lines were hollering at the busses and that was the worst of it. The hospital staff that was still working could not have been more kind and gracious! They were very thankful we were there as well as the patients! It was a very quiet shift until three in the morning. We had about four patients hit the door at the same time all in active labor. Since there were nine of us nurses scheduled on the unit we just teamed up and started popping out babies!
The rest of the shift flew by!

I came back to the hotel, ate, showered, and then went to the airport to catch my flight. I was so happy to see Doug and the boys!
I felt like I had been gone a month instead of just a few days!

We had a nice family dinner out and then off to home.

I have to say that the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul were absolutely beautiful places to visit. Everyone was friendly and accommodating. The one day strike really did nothing in the nurse/hospital negotiating process and the management told us that we'd be asked back within the next 30 days or so. I'd love to go back and have Doug and the boys fly up for a couple of my days off.

(The beautiful city of St. Paul)

It was a wonderful experience but the old adage remains true,

Be it ever so humble,
there's no place like home!

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