Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Make your own tea

I'm a big tea drinker!
Hot in the winter and iced in the summer. I used to go to Chinatown to buy specialty teas (at GREAT prices!) but the commute into Houston is a long one, especially with the kids in tow. This summer I decided I'd grow my own tea.
I had no idea it would be so simple!

I started seeds of chamomile, bee balm, and lemon balm right along with my tomatoes and peppers this year. A quick snip and I have a basket full of the most amazing smelling herbs to go into my own brand of specialty tea!

You don't necessarily have to dry your teas, but I like to make a big batch to have on hand. It makes it easier to have dried chamomile all ready to be used instead of tip-toeing out to the garden at 10pm to snip some for a cup before bedtime!
If you don't have a dehydrator, you can place the herbs on a sheet of parchment and place in your oven on 150 degrees until dried. You can even bind the stems with string or a rubber band and hang to dry in your garage or laundry room!

Nothing wrong with using fresh herbs either!
Crushed lemon balm tastes incredible in a quart of sun tea!

To use your dried teas, place a tablespoon in a tea ball and pour almost boiling water into your cup to steep. Do not steep any longer than three minutes (or your tea might get bitter!). Add honey or stevia to sweeten and ENJOY!

All natural.
Pure comfort!


  1. I have tea so many times and I still just can not drink it. I do love the smell of it though!!! Looks good!!


  2. I've grown my own mint that I make tea out of, but never thought of anything else - what a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  3. i'm with zentmrs, having had sage and mint tea, but nothing beyond that. why not! good idea.

  4. Great idea! I'll love iced chamomile tea, I know it sounds crazy but it's so calming and soothing.

    Visiting from the Garden Party!

  5. Just stopping by from TGP. What a unique idea. Thanks for sharing this as I learned something new today.

  6. I love this- you are posting such useful things at the Tuesday Garden Parties! I've got chamomile and mint in the garden right now, but I won't plant lemon balm again- it became a nasty weed that I found everywhere. I find mint much easier to handle. Would lemon verbena work?

  7. I have wild peppermint growing like nuts in a few containers. I absolutely love peppermint tea and stupid me - I keep buying it at the store. Now that you gave me PRACTICAL advice on how to make tea out of it - I'm doing it!

    visiting from TCP :)

  8. I have lemon balm and mint this year for teas. I had some chamomile, but I think it got too much sun because one day it was just dead... like it had been baked! But I'm just about the exact opposite of you when it comes to gardening abilities :-)
