Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Planning for the Fall

Let's face it, if you're a gardener in Texas your crops are done with! Even with intensive watering there isn't much that can survive heat indexes to 120 degrees! So I've resigned to let the earth reclaim the summer garden and turn my sights to the Fall...

Fall gardening begins in late September here in south Texas. I've decided to let my garden plot "rest" for a year while I feed the soil and just garden out of the raised beds Doug built for me.

This year our Fall garden will consist of:
collard greens
brussels sprouts
swiss chard
green onions
a LARGE variety of lettuces

and three new things I've never planted before:

leek (which are already growing)
kohl rabi
bok choi

I am sooooo over summer and ready for crisp, cool Fall weather to begin!


  1. Nice list of veggies to plant in the fall. I too plan to sow/plant some greens/veggies in September, but my list is much shorter.
    Have a nice day!

  2. I have some lettuce starts outside hardening off, but we had a blast of hot weather, and so they look a little worse for wear. But I will at least plant some salad greens and kale for fall use.

  3. Dang it. I wanted to talk to you at the party about a fall garden. We are going to plant one and I wanted to pick your brain on the best things to plant and some tips and such.

  4. I wish our falls were long enough to actually harvest those cold-season veggies. Maybe I should start some seedlings now and see if I can "push" them enough to harvest before the snow flies.

  5. Nice post... between you and Jami I am feeling the urge to plant, plant, plant for fall. Love the shot of your desk:)

  6. I'm looking forward to fall planting too (though uor summer is really barely starting here in SoCal this year). Your list looks great!

  7. Timely post- great minds and all that? :-) We seem to be growing similar things...

    Thanks for sharing at the TGP!
